Archive for the ‘Crisis Apparition’ Category


The Face of AIDs

August 6, 2011

I haven’t seen ghosts, but I’ve heard warnings. Once with my first husband, we were…getting intimate, and I heard a voice like someone actually in the room with us, say “You are looking at the face of AIDs.” Very clearly. I don’t need to tell you the end of THAT story…thank God for meds is all.

Also someone told me “Jen’s pregnant” (Jen being my sister) right as she got a positive test about 40 miles away. I knew the baby wouldn’t be healthy or there wouldn’t need to be anyone telling me that. Her son has neurofibromatosis.

Also, I had a really strange dream about an aunt the night she died in a car accident, and for a while there I could tell you when someone famous was going to die within 48 hours or so. That stopped several years ago.

– Posted by Ni!; Fark


August 2, 2011

Many years ago, about 2 months before a return trip to Vienna Austria to visit and see some friends, I had an incredibly vivid dream about one of my math professors. He was in a hospital bed, reaching out to me, saying something that to this day I still don’t know.

Well fast-forward to my trip… I was visiting with another teacher, and he mentioned out of the blue that the math professor had died of cancer a couple months back.

I had no idea he was even sick. I hadn’t had any contact with anyone else who would have known either, which makes all that much more creepy.

I was floored. Had I been standing I probably would have fallen down.

It still gives me chills 20+ years later.

– Posted by markie_farkie; Fark


Ghost Kitty

July 31, 2011

I’ve only had a few kind of creepy things happen to me. This one sticks out the most.

I must have been around 7 or 8, and I was getting on the bus in the morning to go to school. As I was looking for a place to sit, I thought I heard a cat meowing. Thinking it was possible that one of my three cats had followed me onto the bus, I looked around but didn’t see anything.

Didn’t think much of it, until the next day when my mom was driving me home from school and we saw one of our cats dead on the side of the road.

One of our neighbors told my mom they had seen him there for the past two days.

That freaked my mom out because she had seen him the night before. All of a sudden in the middle of the night she had heard him yowling at the door. When she went to check it out, she found him caught in the screen door, like he had been running through it when it closed on him.

Ghost kitty? I hope not, it makes me sad. Like he wanted us to find him so he could finally rest.

– Posted by arghyematey; Fark


Cigarette Smoke

July 25, 2011

A few years ago where I was in N Dallas with my family, I was watching TV with my wife and all the sudden we got this overwhelming smell of cigarette smoke in the house. Neither of us smoke, and neither did our neighbors. Being the kind of person that confronts stuff (as noted in my other story) I checked all the windows to make sure they were shut in case someone was smoking around our house. All locked. At that point I gave my wife the phone in case we needed the police to come, grabbed my pistol, and went outside to inspect the yards. I did not see anyone at all, no cigarettes burning around the area etc.

I went back inside and just ignored it.

The next morning I got a call from my step-mom, she was in tears and told me my older brother had passed away last night. He had drunk himself to death with vodka. Now my brother was a heavy smoker and always liked me, as I was the only one in the family that would talk to him when he was plastered (all the time).

I guess he came to see me one last time.

– Posted by thwapp; Fark


That Light

July 15, 2011

My wife and I had multiple strange things happen in our old house. The person who lived in the house right before we did died there. We had her grandmother’s bedroom chest of drawers in the back bedroom. My wife had stuff fly off of shelves at her a couple of times. I was once in the shower and thought my wife had walked in (you know that feeling you get when someone comes in a room even if you can’t see them?) and my shampoo bottle got hit knocking it in towards me in the shower. I thought she was just trying to be sneaky but as it turns out she really was in the living room watching TV.
On completely unrelated note I once woke up to a bright light at the end of my bed. I heard my grandmother’s laughter and then her voice started talking and saying she loved me very much and not to worry about her because she was going to a better place. When I started to do the normal “what the fark is happening??!?!?!?!” that anyone would do in that situation the light just got very bright and everything seemed just fine. The next morning I was awoken by my mom calling to say grandma died last night. I would think I was crazy but I was talking to some family members at the funeral and the same thing happened to my cousin who was stationed down in Texas at the time. I’m not religious AT ALL but I do have to admit that after that night I do believe in some sort of after life. Not only that but even years later just thinking about that light can still make me perfectly calm and happy regardless of what situation I might be in.

– Posted by meteorite; Fark


Mother’s Cigarette Smoke

July 15, 2011
okay I’ll bite……..I live a few thousand miles from my family. Since I have been estranged from them for oh 7 or 8 years (long story) needless to say I knew or know nothing about their situation. One fine summer afternoon I start smelling cigarette smoke on and around me. I do not smoke tobacco and live by myself so it is pretty noticeable….This goes on for a few days…..I jump in my car on day and happen to notice an extremely strong odor of cigarettes and it is driving me wild…then I look to the passenger seat and lo and behold is a figure just like my mom…….I knew she was dead then……..hmmm go figure ….a few months later I get a fattie in the mail from a will. Not scary but for the longest time I wanted to start smoking cigarettes like crazy and I mean really wanted to…….
– Posted by geosprint; Fark

Rose Bush

July 4, 2011

Ok, I have one kind of Ghost story to add, but it didn’t take place in a hospital setting so I hope it’s okay to add it here. In my house, we hear someone come in the front door all the time and walk around upstairs. We think it’s one of the kids coming home sometimes, but when the doors are all locked we know it can’t be, so one of us will go up and look around. No one is there. It freaks us out. My teenagers have seen shadows of people walking down our hallway upstairs, her friends have seen it too. My husband and I have seen it downstairs. One night I was watching TV and saw what I thought was my daughter walk through the hallway as I was sitting on the couch. I thought “What is she doing up so late on a school night” and I waited for her to come out of the laundry room to give her a good talking to. Well, I waited and waited and she never came out so I went to see what she was doing… and NO ONE WAS IN THERE. I about pee’d myself. Because I KNOW i saw someone go in there. That freaked me out and I couldn’t go to sleep that night.

My husband’s son died March 2004 and this was extremely traumatic for our family to say the least. My husband has grieved so horribly since that day. I talk to our son and I asked him to give us a sign that he was okay, so I asked him something very specific, I had a rose bush that was completely dead, you could snap a branch off and it was dry as a bone. I asked him bring roses all over that dead rose bush as a sign he was happy and okay. I told my husband of what I asked of our son and let me tell you one month later that rose bush was over flowing with roses!! I cried and cried, but I got my answer! Another thing he did was one morning I was getting his little brothers ready in the morning and the way our downstairs is set up you can see the reflection of the living room from the hallway pictures glass. As I was walking from the badroom into the hallway I saw a reflection of a man in the picture glass and it startled me and I got scared thinking there was a man in my living room. When I looked closer I saw it was my husband’s son. I ran into the living room and there was nothing there. I called my husband at work and told him what I saw. He’s a big skeptic about such things and just brushed it aside. Hours later we were notified that his son’s mother had committed suicide. I think he was there to warn us or something. I don’t know. But I know what I saw, and my husband knows that I called him that morning that I saw his son in our living room and we were notified that afternoon that his ex-wife had killed herself. ***shudder***

– Posted by NurseyTee; Allnurses


June 26, 2011

Although my most significant experiences did not happen as a “nursing ghost story” per se. Although some have.

In 1984, I was preparing to be a bridesmaid in a friends wedding and I was expecting at the time. My friend was having another friend alter our dresses. Well, my dress came back and it was about 3 sizes too big and too long, so my Gram, whom I was very close to, as I was her 1st Grandchild, said, “I’ll do the alterations for you honey”. During my many fittings, we would always talk about my having her 1st Great Grandchild and how she was also making the netting for the bassinet too. She swore it would be a girl, and made a pink one. As we were getting close to my last fitting, she told me to stand up on the chair with my heels on carefully, as she could not bend over and wanted to check the length. She was 74 yrs young at the time. God I loved her.  Well, I put my heel right through the back of the gown, tearing a huge hole in it at the bottom!  She calmly told me, “Get down off the chair now Emilee and please go home, I will fix it”. I couldn’t apologize enough as I walked out the door, she had worked so hard on it for me and I know she was a bit perturbed about it and just didn’t want me to see her frustration.

A few nights later, I was sound asleep in bed, when I felt the hair on my forehead being brushed aside and felt a very distinct kiss on it and a very warm embrace. I sat straight up and looked over at my husband at the time, thinking it was him, and he was over on the other side of the bed snoring away.  I sat there with an odd feeling I couldn’t understand and looked at the clock, it said 10:02pm. I just couldn’t shake what I know I felt and had not dreamt.

I got up to get a water and sat on my couch for about 45 mins trying to rationalize what I felt, when my phone rang. It was my Mom and she said, “Em, can you come to the house, Gram passed away about 45 mins ago. She was sitting in her rocking chair around 10pm, said to my Grampa, “Al, I love you, please hold my hand, I’m leaving now”, he took her hand confused, and she closed her eyes and passed away”.  OMG! She came to me while I slept, her final goodbye and kissed me before she moved on. I told my Dad and my Grampa and they both started to cry, as I was her favorite and it comforted them very much. For me, I’ll be honest, I was afraid to look in the mirror and see her looking back at me for days. Really. I think I would have had a heart attack myself!

Later on, I took the rocking chair she died in, for when I had my baby. Everyone was too freaked out to sit in it or touch it, but I wasn’t. When I had my Son, it was not a girl like she thought, I would rock him in that chair and I felt her there with me. Many times when I was sooo tired doing night feedings, I felt my hair being stroked and such a sense of calm. A few times, I’d see that chair rocking on its own while my son slept. I knew she was there watching over her 1st Great Grandchild and I would see it and say, “Hi Gram, he’s beautiful isn’t he”? I still when in distress or stressed out, talk to her. I feel her there always. I’ll sit in her rocking chair and talk to her. I always feel better afterward and somehow the troubles I had, I found a way to work through them after my “session” with Gram.

Now my Grampa, he didn’t do well after she passed. She was his life, being married well over 50 yrs. He would cry every night for her. He replaced every name in his bible with her name, painstakenly handwritting it in! I don’t know why, but he did. It gave him comfort. He had developed Alzheimer’s and would call only *ME* by my Grams name everytime he saw me, he said, “I see you there”. Later on, he developed pneumonia, and lapsed into a coma, and was not given long to live. We would visit him and I can’t explain how he looked. It was just not him anymore. He was a shell of a person, who did not come out of his coma. My Dad and I were with him one night, I was talking to him, hoping he heard me when I looked upward and saw a flash of light. I asked my Dad if he saw it and he just looked at me stunned. I knew my Gram had come to take him home. We both took his hand and I said, “Grampa, its okay, take Grams hand now, she’s here waiting” and my Dad said, “Its okay Dad, go to Mom now, let go, we love you”. No lie, in a coma, unresponsive, he sat straight up in the bed(scared me, I didn’t expect that, he was in a coma after all), extended his right arm and hand upward towards the ceiling as if reaching for something, lied back down and he was gone.  He took her hand.

– Posted by EmileeCares; Allnurses


June 13, 2011

similar story for my great aunt. She was in a nursing home while her sister was not. However, her sister had died the day before and my grandma, who had not yet had the opportunity to drive there, phoned the home and asked that they hold the papers so she didn’t find out via obituary.

When my grandma got there to tell her, she already knew. She said her sister had come the night before (a few hours after she had passed) and reassured her that she was ok, and not to worry even though she had passed. What makes this particularly interesting is in “the visit” she was wearing the same clothes she had passed away in the night before. Also, my great aunt was completely lucid when this happened too, she didn’t have dementia or anything similar.

– Posted by Jorgwalther ; Reddit


“Hi Amelia.”

June 9, 2011

Never told this to anyone.

Couple of years ago when my daughter was one year old, she used to sleep in our bed between the two of us. About 5:15 am I was awakened by a voice that I distinctly heard, “Hi Amelia.” I instantly sat up and whispered to myself, “I actually heard that.” Knowing that my grandmother was suffering terminal cancer, I wondered to myself if she had died that night. Sure enough, my mother called me at 8:00 am to tell me the news that she had passed a few hours earlier.

– Posted by Whatsyourangle; Fark