Archive for the ‘Premonition’ Category


did you dream of blood.

January 25, 2016

A few years back I had an incredibly intense fucked up dream and I won’t go into details about it because I feel uncomfortable especially because of what happened afterward and I feel superstitious about describing it

Anyway I woke up from this dream crying because of the despair I felt over what happened in the dream, and that is something that has happened only twice in my life, although the first time I woke up crying from a dream it was fear that caused it.

This was despair and something prompted me to call my family members to see if they were ok. When I got a hold of my dad I was on the edge of panic which I couldn’t understand and I was scaring myself. My dad was scared too and asked me what was wrong, I told him about the horrific dream and the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He got really quiet and asked me to repeat some of the details of the dream. My father is Arabic and there are some old Middle Eastern superstitions he believes. He asked me whether I saw blood amongst the brutality from my dream I described to him. I could hear the fear in his voice but I had calmed myself down now and embarrassed that a dream drove me to do much panic. He told me seeing blood is a good sign because the old superstition he knew said that seeing blood is a good thing and despite the brutal things I saw, a sign of life.

I could hear in his voice how on edge he sounded, my hysteria when I initially called him didn’t help matters. Feeling silly for how I acted and wanting to reassure him I told him I did in fact see blood and he sounded relieved and just told me not to worry. The problem is I didn’t in fact see blood, there was no blood anywhere, all that horrific shit and no blood, which according to superstition is a very bad sign. For the record I am a very rational person and not someone who believes in dream omens or that type of stuff.

Minutes after I was done I get a call, it’s my sister and she’s crying hysterically asking if my dad was ok and she had a horrible dream about him. Side note, my sister was living apart from the family and estranged from my father. Hearing my sister in this state I start to panic again. I ask her what she’s talking about, did she call dad? She tells me no she just woke up from a horrible dream about him. My sister has NEVER called me this way before.

We are panicking for a good two hours because my dad wasn’t answering. A few hours after initially calling him the police call my house to tell us my dad was in an accident, he was in critical condition in the hospital and the person in the passenger seat didn’t survive. I break down, hysterical again, because it feels like I knew this was going to happen and I lied to him about the blood.

I got to the hospital and we got to go see him a few days later, the first thing he says to me was ‘your dream’ and he starts crying, and I’m crying too. I saved the news clipping from the accident but I won’t post it here because I’d rather not reveal my last name. It was the single weirdest and creepiest thing that ever happened to me and this has never been something I could explain


“Maggie, you have to wake up!”

January 25, 2016

This is my friends story. She was sleeping in on Halloween morning. She was having a vivid dream that she was having an out of body experience. Floating above herself, she was trying everything to wake herself up. She was screaming (we’ll say Maggie) MAGGIE WAKE UP! You have to wake up right now, you have to buy the kids Halloween candy.

Getting up early, especially on a weekend morning, was extremely out of character for Maggie. She woke up in a panicked sweat, throws on some clothes and leaves in a hurry because for some reason, getting Halloween candy is super fucking important right now.

Once she comes back home, she opens the door and is hit immediately by the strong scent of gas. Her roommate accidentally left the gas stove on and gas had filled the entire house. She believes, as do I, in some unconscious, last-ditch effort to save herself, she had this out of body dream to wake herself and leave the house immediately.


She Dead.

January 25, 2016

I had a patient one night who was mentally disabled. She was a young, dark-skinned black woman with these huge eyes. I don’t know if she always looked like that or if she was just genuinely spooked, but they were open wide. The first thing she said to me when I walked in the room was “She dead. That lady dead”, nodding her head at the woman in the next bed. The woman in the next bed had apparently been dealing with this all day and was fed up. “I’m not dead!”, she yelled. I tried to calm her down, to no avail. The day shift nurse told me she’d been doing that all day. I felt so bad for her roomate. I considered trying to transfer her, but that would just put someone else in the room to put up with it. She did this all night. She would even put her call light on to tell me her roommate was dead.

So this was creepy on its own, but guess who died the next day? It wasn’t an expected death either. I don’t believe in the supernatural, but damn, that was quite a coincidence.


May 14, 2014

This one is from a friend– she swears it’s true.

Her dad is a hospice nurse. He got a call from the agency that a patient was in the process of dying and was expected to pass very soon. They asked that he attend to the family. Apparently the nurse who was supposed to be there could not make it for some reason. He complained that it was all the way across town, and it was not his usual day to work, but he went anyway. When he was nearly there the agency called him to say the family had reported that the patient had passed but to please go there and help with family support and start postmortum care. When he arrived he introduced himself by saying “Hello I’m Marty, I’m from Hospice.” My friend said the family’s mouths fell open and the all looked shocked. He apologized that their usual nurse could not make it. They said, “No that’s not it. Grandma kept mumbling that Marty was coming. We thought she was just talking nonsense but here you are!”

– Posted by ; Allnurses


The big park in the sky

May 18, 2013

Man… like a week before my sister died she said she had a dream that someone took her up to play in a big park in the sky, but that they told her she had to come back to live there. She said she asked if her family could come, and the person told her no. Then, the night before she died, our parents literally couldn’t pull us apart – as in, we were screaming and crying wouldn’t let go of each other, and that hadn’t happened before.

Edit: More on the story. I guess it makes it more curious, being that she was a healthy, young girl. That day my dad send her and my other (half, but I call them “sisters,” because we lived together on and off) sisters out to the park to play with their mother. He was suspicious for weeks that someone had been breaking into the garage, so he wanted my stepmother to take the vehicle and the kids out, while he waited with a gun in the night stand next to him. They came home early, because she was crying that she wanted to see our father, and she went in his room while he was asleep, took the safety off (supposedly), and shot herself through the heart and into his leg. He always had guns just laying around the house. I remember them taking them and playing with them, pretending to shoot each other, while he was off doing…whatever it was he was doing. In the weeks prior, all she could talk about was going to live in the big park in the sky. I’m not religious whatsoever, but it’s still really strange.

– Posted by ihatethispart; Reddit


“It’s my last time on earth here”

May 15, 2013

Hindus believe in afterlife or rebirth to be more exact, strangely no one has mentioned that here.

I’m not a practising Hindu so I never really thought deeply into such matters until I met a very kind lady (father’s friend’s wife) when I was 14 years old. She had the ability to see into the future and I’m not shitting you guys when I say that whatever she’s told me as happened so far to the T. She just held my hand and basically saw my future (this is the part I don’t want to accept/like – since this would mean our fate has been set in stone or something to that extent) I’m 28 now and I’ll never forget the sensation I got from her – that warm vibration/energy she radiated.

I also asked her why she’s able to see into people’s future or something along those lines ( I was such a cynic, because there are tons of ‘astrologers’ out there promising you lies) and she said “It’s my last time on earth here”

This would explain it I suppose “The soul, called “Atman” leaves the body and reincarnates itself according to the deeds or Karma performed by one in last birth. A person stays with the God or ultimate power when he discharges only & only yajna karma (means work done for satisfaction of supreme lord only) in last birth and the same is called as “Moksha” or “Nirvana”, which is the ultimate goal of a self realised soul.”

So I do believe there’s something more – we just don’t know what. But I do know that death is the only certainty in life and that’s morbidly comforting to me. 😉

– Posted by Booze_Lite_Beer; Reddit


Goodbye, Annie.

January 25, 2013

There was this lady (we’ll call her Annie) that was a friend of my mom’s and I lived with her for a few months after college.

I worked 2nd shift, so I was up late watching TV after everyone else was in bed. Annie comes walking into the living room, half asleep. I say, “What’s going on, Annie?” and she says, “My grandmother just called.”

I’m like, “Nooooo, no one has called.”

She insists that she just talked to her grandmother and that her grandmother called to tell her goodbye and now she wants to call her family to check on her.

“Nonsense,” I say. “It was just a dream. Don’t bother your family in the middle of the night. Go back to bed and call them in the morning.” And she goes back to bed.

About an hour later, I’m just getting into bed when the phone rings. No, shit. And it’s her family calling to tell her that her grandmother died about an hour ago.

The grandmother was old, but not sick or on death’s bed or anything. Annie did not remember any of this the next day and we never spoke of it. I thought about this for years and struggled with labeling it a ghost story or just an eerie coincidence. My skeptical and logical tendencies decided to label it a coincidence. The only times I have re-told this story have been to people who do not know Annie in situations where everyone is telling their “ghost-stories.”


About a decade later, Annie died unexpectedly. I went to her funeral and her brother delivered a eulogy. In it, he tells this story.

When Annie was about 4, her great-grandmother died. All the family was gathered in the house and someone noticed that little Annie had disappeared. After a brief search, they found her in a bedroom, rolling on the floor laughing.

“What on earth are you laughing about, Annie?” and little Annie replies, “Great-grandma was tickling me. She came to tell me goodbye.”

– Posted by Hoodooz39; Reddit


Two psychic moments

December 22, 2012

I have two. I’ll start with the less freaky of the two.

When I was about 13 years old, I was home watching my younger brother and sister. Out of nowhere I had this looming feeling that something terrible happened to my mom on her way home. It felt like a weird dream where I was watching her get into an accident at an intersection leading from a local shopping center in our town. Immediately I called my mom, but there was no answer. Being a young kid, I immediately feared the worst, and start having a headache. Moments later the house phone rang and it was from her phone. I answered the phone and immediately said, “Mom! Are you alright?!” My mom quickly responded, “Thankfully! I heard my phone rang and when I went to grab it I swerved into the other lane, but when I did that some jackass on the other side of the rode came into my lane. If I didn’t swerve by mistake I would have been hit by an oncoming car.” I paused, stunned at what she said. “Imhometakemedrunk, why did you ask if I was alright?” “I don’t know, mom. I…I just thought something horrible happened and had to check on you.” Too this day my mom is convinced I can see things before they happen. But this wasn’t the nail in the coffin for that belief of hers. This next story is.

This took place when I was maybe 11-12 years old, right as my parents were getting separated. About once a week I would wake up sweating from a terrible reoccuring nightmare and immediately go to my moms room to tell her about it. (Yes guys, I used to be a mommas boy…) In this dream I would be walking down a set of wooden stairs with a wooden banister. The walls were covered in a floral pattern wallpaper with family pictures littering the wall. Each time I looked at the pictures, everyones face was blurry. I could never make out anyone in the pictures, the only thing that stood out was the frames. These cheap golden thin frames that were all falling apart and looked very tacky. At the bottom of the stairs there was a door in front of you that led to the back yard and a doorway to the left that led to the kitchen. As soon as I would turn to the kitchen I was filled with terror, almost piss myself, and then wake up sweating. This happened for several months. Neither myself or my mother could ever make sense of it. After several months of these dreams happening, my mom received a call from one of her few close friends that she wanted us (my mom, myself, brother and sister) to come visit her at her new house that her and her boyfriend just moved into. Nobody really wanted to drive an hour out there just to stop by, but since my moms friend had a very cute daughter around my age I begged us to go. So we all got there and were hanging out upstairs in the kids room while my moms friend and her boyfriend were downstairs talking. My mom was with all of us looking at their rooms and catching up. I wanted something to drink so I decided to go downstairs for some soda. As I rounded the first turn of the stairwell, I was struck with the worst case of deja vu. It was the stairwell from my dream. Same picture frames, same door, same wallpaper. Instantly I felt dread. I did NOT want to go down those stairs into the kitchen in fear of what might be in there. As I was about to turn around I hear a “WHACK” come from the kitchen and what sounded like gentle sobbing. I decided to investigate and as I rounded the corner, there was my moms friend, getting the shit beaten out of her by her boyfriend. I gasped and they heard me and looked over. The boyfriend shouted at me and went after me, so I hauled add up those stairs towards my mom. I screamed for her to help and she caught him coming after me. We immediately called the cops on him and he was arrested for domestic abuse. Apparently this had been going on for over a year and none of her kids or herself said a word to anyone in fear of being killed by this maniac. Had I not witnessed it myself, I may have continued on until my moms friend or one or her kids was dead. This, was the moment my mom thought that I must he psychic.

– Posted by imhometakemedrunk; Glitch in the Matrix


The Shared Car Wreck

December 4, 2012

back in high school, my parents went out of town for the weekend, and left me with one of their cars to drive instead of my junky beater. The night before they left, I had a dream I was driving their car, and got t-boned. When my parents left, my dad says jokingly “Don’t wreck the car, or we’ll kill you!”. He’d had a dream the same night that I’d gotten in a car accident in said car.

Things are getting a little odd at this point. I think nothing of it, drive around, and get t-boned by a drunk driver who ran a red light. So my dad and I both have dreams I wreck their car in the same fashion, then it happens. This is freaky and weirds me out. THEN the really weird thing happens…

Monday morning, go back to school. In first period, my super crush (now husband) rushes up to me and says “Defectiveburger, are you ok? I had a nightmare you got in a car wreck.” Then proceeds to tell me all about his dream – which he’d dreamt the night before the wreck. He got the location, car make/model/year/color correct, manner of impact, impacting vehicle, everything correct. This is weird – he and I knew each other for ~3 months at the time, were friendly at best, and he had no knowledge I even owned a car similar to the one involved in the accident.

– Posted by defectiveburger; Reddit


Eight Days

February 11, 2012

My father had a dream before his mother died, where his mom was on the phone and kept saying, “There are only eight left, only eight.”

My mother and father had already planned a trip to see his mother. Long story short, eight days later his mother died.

– Posted by I_ignore_the_obvious; Reddit