Archive for the ‘Haunted House’ Category


the previous owner had just disappeared.

January 25, 2016

My family bought a penthouse apt back when i was in HS. We got it for like 50k under what it was worth. Turned out the previous owner was a music producer who had dissapeared. The guys body finally wound up being found months later, the way I remember it he had been tortured then shot multiple times. Real sad stuff, we bought the apt from his mom who just wanted to be done with the whole thing. Anyway, my step dad and I started going daily to fix it up but I always felt uneasy about being there as if someone was watching me. One day my step dad went down to the car to get some tools and left me alone. As i was there by myself I looked down the hallway that led down to the master bed room and I kid you not I saw a bright white silhoute appear from one side of the master bed room walking to the next, it stopped in the middle, turned and looked straight at me. I fucking froze, it wasnt like an evil kinda thing, he just looked at me for a few secs and then walked to the other side and dissapeared. I freaked the fuck out and bolted for the elevator. This shit happened during the middle of the day, it was bright as can be so I knew what the fuck I saw but my step dad wouldnt believe me and laughed it off.

A couple days later while we were tearing down some built in shelves in one of the bedroom closets we found a notebook beloning to the previous owner and in it were love poems, lyrics and sketches. My mom told my step dad not to throw it away so we could give it to the guys mom. My step dad being a piece of shit threw it away. After that creepy shit starded happenig, lights turned on and off. Windows we had closed the previous day would now be open. These were hurricane force windows by the way, the kind that have latches and keys to them. So it was impossible for the wind to have opened them. My mom and I stopped helping with renovations after that and my step dad hired some guys he knew to come and finish, these guys lived pretty far away so my step dad told them to stay in the apt while the repairs were done. They lasted two days, they called my step dad in a panic in the middle of the night saying they heard shit, saw shadows and that their alarm clock would go off at random times they hadnt set it too. My mom decided that was it and called in a priest to bless the house, we then burnt sage all through out for a couple of days with the windows open to clense and clear the apt. The creepy thungs stopped after that. A few years later I ran into one of the guys and asked him what had happened in the apt that spooked him and he said doors were slamming in the middle of the night and they heard what sounded like things moving out in the laundry area. He said it was the scariest shit hed ever been apart of and wanted nothing to do with it.


the ghost cat

July 15, 2015

I’ve mentioned this before on Reddit, but my husband and I bought a new house back in August. I frequently felt a presence watching me when I was cooking, and thought it was my cat, but he’d be elsewhere. First it was a small shadow, about the size of a large cat or small dog, then I once saw it was brown and striped and disappeared too quickly to be one of my cats. It always seemed like it was just watching me and not up to any shenanigans, so I didn’t get too freaked out. Also I know animals can sense evil better than humans, and they never seemed too bothered, and would even spend time relaxing in the room I saw the “ghost.” After I bought it up to my husband, he realized he had seen this cat ghost as well. Over the next few months we’d see it here and there, and it became a regular thing, “Oh saw the ghost again.”

About a month ago, I woke up and saw a striped brown long cat hovering at the end of the bed with lights and sparkles coming out of it, and when I reached out to touch it, it disappeared. I’m still not certain if I was awake or dreaming.

I haven’t seen ghostcat since.

Edit: I’m not one to hallucinate ever, I’ve never taken hallucinogenic drugs. Probably a dream, I have very vivid dreams!

Also I’m a scientist and don’t usually believe in the supernatural because there isn’t a lot of published and peer reviewed evidence of such. I’m still maintaining a level of doubt about the whole thing hoping the “presence,” or shadow was just one of my cats.

– posted by celinesci; Reddit


the billionaire’s ghost

June 15, 2015

I used to babysit at this really nice house that was about a 30 minute drive from the nearest town. About 15 of those miles were on random gravel roads, so it was pretty isolated. A well-known billionaire in the community built the house when he started making his money. He was a really tough guy who basically put his business before his wife and family. Later on in life as his health was declining, he began to regret that. It was too late though, as he had burned bridges with most of his children. (I only know this because my dad employed his mentally challenged daughter, and had became close with his wife.)

Anyway, he died and I shit you not, he was haunting the house he built. I was at this house at least a couple times a week, and really freaky stuff started happening as soon as he died.

The dog, who was normally a pretty chill, refused to come inside for weeks and would just run around the house in a panic. He’d stand outside the window of an empty room and just bark and growl like crazy.

The 2yo started saying that he was scared all the time, and would get up in the middle of the night to check on his baby brother. He had never done that before.

There were two things that really scared me though. It was really late, probably 2am and the phone started ringing, but not in the normal way. Like it was a constant ring instead of a ring and then a pause. When I tried to answer it, there was just this clicking noise and as soon as I’d hang up they’d all start ringing again. The screen on the phone didn’t change either. It didn’t register that there was in an incoming call at all. It just kept displaying the time and number of misses calls. I had to go and manually turn the ringer volume off on each phone so it wouldn’t wake the boys up.

The second was, I heard something in the main living room and assumed that the older boy had woken up. As I was getting up to go check I heard a crash, and when I got there a tall vase holding some fake plants was on the ground and there was no one in the room. The boys were both in bed and the dog was asleep in the garage.

I know it kind of sounds ridiculous, but these things legit happened. Even if they didn’t though, the way I felt when I was in the house would have had me convinced that it was haunted. I have never felt so on edge in my life. Its like I couldn’t relax. I finally started having either my boyfriend or my (male) best friend come with me. They both felt the same way about it too.

Anyway, that’s the creepiest things that’s happened to me and why I totally believe in ghosts now.

– posted by mcnalister; Reddit


“did it sound like a young male?”

June 15, 2015

I was living with my sister and her husband in Vegas. It was a one bedroom apartment on the top floor of a 3 story complex.

One day I was getting ready for work and called my sister because I was looking for nail clippers. Both my sister and her husband had already left for work so I called her and sled of she had any. She told me she had one on her dresser so I went to look for it and that’s when I heard a voice asking for help.

It was clear and sounded like a young Caucasian male (I am of Mexican decent and my brother in law is from south America ). So naturally I was confused and looked around. Again, it was a one bedroom apartment and it wasn’t very big so it would have been easy to spot an intruder. I didn’t see anyone so I went back to look for the clippers. There it is again, the male asking for help, “hello can you help me?” I ask who is there and he just ask for help again. I tell him sorry I can’t I have to go to work and that’s that.

Fast forward to the end of my shift and I’m home from work. I tell my sister about someone asking for help and she asks, “did it sound like a young male?” At first, I thought I had already told her and she was just repeating it to me. I ask if I had already told her and she says, “no, I’ve heard it too.” I think she’s trolling me so I don’t think much of it.

My brother in law comes home from work 30 minutes later. My sister then asks him “guess who crazyfox86 talked to today?” He turns pale and gets a stern loom on his face. “Did the young guy ask you for help?” Now I am freaked out because he had just walked in and immediately knew what had happend. My sister was watching tv and didn’t have her phone near her so there was no way she could have told him. Never heard anything else after that but it was freaky that they both had experienced the same thing before.

– posted by crazyfox86; reddit


The Elevator

May 14, 2014

Another time I was at the nurse’s station and we heard the bell in the elevator ringing. Someone was yelling “Help!” and we heard pounding. We called security to tell them someone was stuck in the elevator. I then walked over to the elevator doors and was shouting to the person to try to stay calm and help was on the way. She just kept yelling for help, banging, and ringing the bell. Security called the nurses station to say all of the elevators were working and they didn’t find anyone stuck. At this moment, whoever was in the elevator was suddenly quiet.

A few times I have been on the elevator and for no reason it went to the 5th floor. The 5th floor is totally unoccupied, but used to be a hospice unit. I would be going up from the ground floor and the only button lit up would be 3. But the elevator would pass my floor, go to 5th, open the door…. no one there. I never was brave enough to step foot onto the 5th floor.

– Posted by Clovery ; Allnurses


Video: Rearranging Photo Frames

December 14, 2013 (keep your eye focused on the top bookshelf)

Reddit, meet my father or his rather bald head to be precise. Since moving into their new house about 5 years ago oddly spooky things have happened.

Note: My father doesn’t believe in ghosts or life after death.

Here’s the story thus far, since moving into the house there appears to be a presence of some kind. It started maybe two years ago when my father was working in the living room, he heard a voice ask if he was working there. His response was “no, I live here, do you?” to which the voice answered “Yes, I live in the basement”. Fast forward a year, a my mother comes home from work asking my dad (while he was working in the kitchen) how his day was to which he responded… a couple of minutes later someone asked him how his day was again and him turning around to inform my mother he had just told her found nobody in the room. At Christmas my aunt and mothers best friend visited, when walking into the bedroom my aunt saw a figure leaning over the bed and my mothers friend saw an old lady at the bottom of the bed. Events have turned more interesting in the last few months, our friendly ghost is now moving objects, in the video where the picture frame moves, there is a collection of DVD’s just out of sight. These were all moved and nicely arranged on the kitchen table over night, my mother unable to find the culprit in my brothers assumed someone was sleep walking. She has also been speaking more often, the reason my father recorded this video was that she spoke and he tried to catch it on camera. He thought she had said “I can’t find him” after analyzing the situation though where she continues to move things in that area of the house we’ve decided that she said “I can’t find it”. Since the recording of this video (a couple of weeks ago, I’m new to reddit though so you get it late) the DVD’s have all moved again and now we have a new trick of pictures being turned on the walls of the house and the photos on the shelf being rearranged:

I particularly found this fascinating, I’ve never known someone with a genuine experience of ghosts. The next time I go back to England I intend to see if I can experience anything first hand. Thought it was worth sharing our story.

Since all this happened I’ve asked my dad what his thoughts are now on death and his answer was “don’t know”, he has a way with words.

Any questions I’ll pass on, we’re currently researching the house they’re in as it’s several years old for any deaths of staff who may have worked there.

– Posted by aRandomNameHere; Paranormal


Prison Ghosts

March 7, 2013

The prison I worked at was pretty old. When I first started there I used to do a lot of nights as overtime. You would be locked on the wing on your own with no key’s. You were only there incase something happened in the night and you would call the grounds staff (night patrol staff) and they would respond.

One wing in particular was supposedly haunted. The prison used to be an air base during the war and was bombed a few times. Supposedly quite a few people died on the grounds. One place in particular was hit bad and this is where they built one of the wings.

While I was working my night shift on this wing. I could hear what sounded like a bugle or horn of some sort. Like someone was practicing a tune? I went through all the channels on the TV, walked up and down the wing and even went to the windows but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from? I was very late/early morning. It just seemed to be everywhere?

Then… I was in the rest room watching TV and all of a sudden the back 2 legs of my chair lifted an dropped as if someone had pushed it forward while I was sat on it? Needless to say I shat my pants!!! Ran to the office and asked the team to come down. I thought one of them was fucking with me. That’s when they told me about the wing.

Some staff say they’ve seen a pilot wondering around?

– Posted by HMPdude; IAmA ex Prison officer who worked in a high security prison. AMA


Why is the 5 year old allowed to run up and down the stairs to the attic and play all night.

March 5, 2013

My grandparents own a haunted house! I semi grew up there and was never ever nope nope nope comfortable. Short story – my adopted sister came to meet my side of the family and stayed in my room alone while I I stayed at my bfs house for some alone times. The next morning she told me she thought it was weird that the 5 year old was allowed to run up and down the stairs to the attic and play all night, did aunt/uncle know? Then I showed her how the stairs were blocked off and so packed of stuff it would have been impossible. It was then she decided to sleep on the couch at bf’s house instead of a nice bed.

– Posted by Wtfgrandma; Reddit


March 5, 2013

This will probably never be seen because the post is already at 2,400 comments but I swear on my life that it is absolutely true.

One of my close friends lived next to a house that was always vacant. It would sell, people would move in, and then one day they’d be gone and the house would be up for sale again. One summer, when the house was listed again and the last family had moved out, we decided to go take a tour and eat some Jack in the Box we had picked up. We weren’t very smart sometimes and thought it would be cool to play chicken with whatever was haunting this house. My friend was really skinny and crawled through the dog door that led straight into the kitchen, then opened the back door for me. We went through all of the rooms and it was pretty nondescript, just a typical 50s style bungalow house with a similar layout to his home, lots of pretty woodwork and built-ins. After we determined that the house really wasn’t that creepy after all, we sat down in the dining area, on the floor, across from a little horseshoe shaped nook with a kitchen table and built-in bench. It was dusk out but the windows didn’t have curtains and it never got that dark in our city, anyway. At this point, we had been in the house for maybe 25 minutes and after we finished eating we stayed sitting just to hang out and talk since we weren’t spooked out at all. All of a sudden, mid-sentence, completely out of nowhere, my vision went black and I felt this eery coldness wash all over me (I’m getting chills thinking about it), a feeling so thick I felt like it penetrated my through my body down to my bones. At the very same moment this happened, my friend screamed. I virtually could not see anything and was groping around trying to find something to grab onto and I felt so unsettled and ..cold. There’s really no other word for it. After what felt like hours, I felt my friend’s hands in mine and he pulled me to my feet and drug me through the house to the back door. He kept pulling on my arm and I still couldn’t see anything. We got outside and slowly know that feeling when you get a whole body shiver and it runs down your spine? As soon as I was outside, that’s what I felt, except this was a whole body shiver that started at the tip of my toes and went all the way up to my scalp, and unexpectedly and suddenly I could see again. My friend was as pale as a sheet and looked absolutely terrified. I felt off and sort of, gross, I guess is the best word, and in shock. I told him that I couldn’t see at all until I was outside, that it felt like I had been enveloped in blackness. He was just staring at me and I finally asked him why he had screamed. He hugged me and told me that he pulled me out of the house as soon as I started reaching around like I was blind because a little girl who was completely black, and yet see through, crawled out from under the table we were across from and sat on top of me.

– Posted by aigret; Reddit


The Camby House

March 4, 2013

I was 18 and my friend Ronnie was 20, we’re both from Mooresville Indiana. It’s fairly rural in most areas around there, and as most places like this, you always get all kinds of stories but it’s all mostly unsubstantiated crap.

There is however, or at least, was, a very old mansion out in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of Indianapolis airport property. Here are some links.

The Camby House

More Modern

An Entire Page About It

Needless to say, the place is creepy as fuck. (A couple years ago, someone set fire to it for absolutely no reason, so it’s basically a ruin now). Quite a few times as a teenager and young adult my friends and I would sneak in, it was pretty terrifying inside. It had a chain gate all around it, but the woods behind the house had a gate that someone had bolt cut through, so you could sneak in the back. We’d enter through the basement, which looked like a tomb because the floor was complete dirt, and greatly changed altitude all over it and there were many rooms in the basement, like a stone and dirt labyrinth. There was a giant fireplace on the first floor, and two separate upstairs that were exclusive of each other, they each had their own staircases and couldn’t be reached except by going back down and up staircases.

I’d been multiple times, and creepy stuff always happened, but nothing supernatural, just a bunch of kids in a creepy house surrounded by woods with no light around for some miles, so it was dark as hell. Except one time…

Like I said, Ronnie and I were from around here, and one night we decided just to check it out because it seemed like fun. Was October, so that’s when things are extra creepy in Indiana. Not only is it halloween time but it’s always windy, a bit chilly, and the trees are extra creepy at night. So we head out there in his car, and after finally finding the road to the place (lots of roads back there), we move the road blocks and start heading down the gravel dirt road to the large patch of trees we know holds the house.

Right before the house, the road curves a bit into a little turnaround or circle where the house was. So as we turn the corner, the part I always loved, was the reveal of this super creepy house in the headlights, except this time, as we turned and the lights hit the house Ronnie slammed on the breaks and I immediately see why.

A man, in a full black cloak, was pacing back and forth, very slowly in front of the house, outside of the gates. Now when I say cloak, I mean like an actual head to toe cloak with a hood. He doesn’t even act like he sees us, and it was absolutely pitch black out here, and he had no light source and I saw no car of his or anything. He’s just pacing back and forth, and the creepiest thing of all, he’s holding a giant antenna or pole directly in front of him, just straight up vertically. He’s just pacing back and forth, and we have no idea why. Guy doesn’t even acknowledge the lights directly on him. The most unsettling part was how slow he was pacing. Like half of normal walking speed, like he was intently focused on walking this straight perfect line, and holding this pole or antenna perfectly straight in front of him.

I looked at Ronnie and said, let’s get the fuck out of here! He obliged.

Weirdest event ever for me.

– Posted by Azazel_The_Fox; Reddit